Brief Biography

I am a Professor in the Automation, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department, at the Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology Faculty, from Valahia University of Targoviste, and a member of the DCEM department. You can find my CV here:

  • CV Română - update to December 2020,
  • CV English - update to December 2020.

    My undergraduate degree is in Automatics and Computer Science from the Valahia University of Targoviste. I did my PhD at the Politehnica University of Bucharest. As student, I had the opportunity to be a Ersamus student to Ecole d’Ingénier Val de Loire - EIVL, Blois France, Laboratoire d’UltraSons, Signaux et Instrumentation (in 2003, 4 months).

    My research interests lie in the area of control systems, and I am a member of the Robotics Group, Controls Group and the Smart Energy Group in the Valahia University of Targoviste.

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