
First Place in the 2015 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge to event ”MMC Showcase & Poster Session Winner”

Premiul I in cadrul concursului 2015 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge secțiunea ”MMC Showcase & Poster Session Winner”

Title: MicRoMag – An Open Source Microrobotic Project
UVT Romania: Florin Dragomir, Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Mihaela Ivan, Valentin Gurgu, Nicolae Rădulescu
This challenging series of tasks had the team design and manufacture microrobots up to 300 micrometers in length (comparable in diameter to a strand of human hair) for both autonomous manipulation and microassembly in arenas less than 5 mm long. The team competed in the even at the ”The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)”, in Seattle, WA, USA, in period May 26-30, 2015


Second Place in the 2015 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge to event ”Microassembly Challenge”

Premiul II in cadrul concursului 2015 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge secțiunea ”Microassembly Challenge”

Title: MicRoMag – An Open Source Microrobotic Project
UVT Romania: Florin Dragomir, Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Mihaela Ivan, Valentin Gurgu, Nicolae Rădulescu
The UVT Team took part in the Microassembly Challenge, where microrobots must assemble multiple microscale components inside a narrow channel in a fixed amount of time. This task simulates anticipated applications of microassembly, including manipulation within a human blood vessel and the assembly of components in nanomanufacturing. The team competed in the even at the ”The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)”, in Seattle, WA, USA, in period May 26-30, 2015


First Place in the 2016 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge to event ”Autonomous Mobility & Accuracy Challenge”

Premiul I in cadrul concursului 2016 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge secțiunea ”Autonomous Mobility & Accuracy Challenge”

Title: MicRoMag – An Open Source Microrobotic Project
UVT Romania: Florin Dragomir, Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Ioana Dulama, Valentin Gurgu, Alin Bucurică, Nicolae Rădulescu
The team competed in the even at the ”The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)”, in Stockholm, Sweden, in period May 16-21, 2016


First Place in the 2016 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge to event ”Best in Show”

Premiul I in cadrul concursului 2016 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge secțiunea ”Best in Show”

Title: MicRoMag – An Open Source Microrobotic Project
UVT Romania: Florin Dragomir, Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Ioana Dulama, Valentin Gurgu, Alin Bucurică, Nicolae Rădulescu
The field of microrobotics is growing with vast potential for biomedical applications, such as cell manipulation and drug delivery. Competitions, like the Mobile Microrobotics Challenge allow researchers to explore new applications and solve these problem. The team competed in the even at the ”The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)”, in Stockholm, Sweden, in period May 16-21, 2016


The Great Prize of the Jury – The “Cadet INOVA’17”

Marele premiu al juriului ”Cadet Inova 2017”

Title: Compact teleoperated mobile robotic platform for microcomponents assembly
Authors: Nicolae Gabriel Rădulescu, Ion Valentin Gurgu, Florin Dragomir, Ioan Alin Bucurică, Ioana Daniela Dulama, Ioan Alexandru Ivan
The “Cadet INOVA” event has been conceived as an opportunity for the young researchers to present the results of their innovations and research as prototypes, maquettes, computerized presentation of techniques and procedures accompanied by posters and to achieve scientific partnerships in order to identify technological, industrial and research niches. The team competed in the even at the International Student Innovation and Scientific Research Exhibition - ”Cadet INOVA’17”, organized by “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy from Sibiu in period 27-29 April 2017
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The Business Award ”Cadet INOVA’17”

Premiul societăților comerciale ”Cadet Inova 2017”

Title: Autonomous trajectory control of magnetically-actuated microrobotic system
Authors: Ion Valentin Gurgu, Nicolae Gabriel Radulescu, Florin Dragomir, Ioan Alin Bucurica, Ioana Daniela Dulama, Ioan Alexandru Ivan
By the organization and the carrying out of the event, we aim at facilitating the knowledge and the promoting of student scientific achievements both in the military field and in the civilian one, of aspects corroborated with the development and diversification of technologies and of socio-economic applications of research in different implementation environments. The team competed in the even at the International Student Innovation and Scientific Research Exhibition - ”Cadet INOVA’17”, organized by “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy from Sibiu in period 27-29 April 2017


First Place in the 2017 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge to event ”Microassembly Challenge”

Premiul I in cadrul concursului 2017 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge secțiunea ”Microassembly Challenge”

Title: RoBoCell – Mobile microrobotic system for single-cell manipulation and sorting
UVT Romania: Florin Dragomir, Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Ioana Dulama, Valentin Gurgu, Alin Bucurică, Nicolae Rădulescu
Placing first in the Microassembly Challenge, teams pushed their microrobots to assemble multiple microscale components inside a narrow channel in a fixed amount of time. The task is intended to simulate anticipated applications of microassembly, including manipulation within a human blood vessel and the assembly of components in nanomanufacturing. The team competed in the even at the ”The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)”, in Singapore, in period 29 May – 3 June, 2017


First Place in the 2017 International Electric & Automation Show to event ”Technical Innovation”

Premiul I in cadrul concursului 2017 International Electric & Automation Show secțiunea ”Inovare Tehnică”

Title: Design and control of an embedded mobile microrobotic system for education
UVT Romania: Florin Dragomir, Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Ioana Dulama, Valentin Gurgu, Alin Bucurică, Nicolae Rădulescu
The team competed in the even at the ”The International Electric & Automation Show (IEAS 2017)”, in București, in period 19 – 22 September 2017


First Place in the 2018 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge to event ”Autonomous Mobility & Accuracy Challenge”

Premiul I in cadrul concursului 2018 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge secțiunea ”Autonomous Mobility & Accuracy Challenge”

Title: RoBoCell – Mobile microrobotic system for single-cell manipulation and sorting
UVT Romania: Florin Dragomir, Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Ioana Dulama, Valentin Gurgu, Alin Bucurică, Nicolae Rădulescu
The Mobile Microrobotics Challenge is sliced into three challenges in which microrobots, comparable in diameter to a strand of human hair, face off in tests of autonomy, accuracy, and assembly. The team competed in the even at the ”The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)”, in Brisbane, Australia, in period 21-25 May, 2018


First Place in the 2018 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge to event ”Microassembly Challenge”

Premiul I in cadrul concursului 2018 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge secțiunea ”Microassembly Challenge”

Title: RoBoCell – Mobile microrobotic system for single-cell manipulation and sorting
UVT Romania: Florin Dragomir, Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Ioana Dulama, Valentin Gurgu, Alin Bucurică, Nicolae Rădulescu
Working with a microrobot only 0.3x0.3x0.3 mm in diameter, the challenge was to assemble triangles with similar dimensions into a 0.6 mm - wide opening. Surpassing the competition, UVT team members assembled four triangles using magnetic actuators to move the robot across the tiny stage with millemetre dimensions. The team competed in the even at the ”The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)”, in Brisbane, Australia, in period 21-25 May, 2018


First Place in the 2018 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge to event ”MMC Showcase & Poster Session”

Premiul I in cadrul concursului 2018 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge secțiunea ”MMC Showcase & Poster Session”

Title: RoBoCell – Mobile microrobotic system for single-cell manipulation and sorting
UVT Romania: Florin Dragomir, Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Ioana Dulama, Valentin Gurgu, Alin Bucurică, Nicolae Rădulescu
The team competed in the even at the ”The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)”, in Brisbane, Australia, in period 21-25 May, 2018


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