Activities with students


Participation in the International Electric & Automation Show (IEAS) 2018

Period: 18–20 September 2018 / București, Palatul Parlamentului

The IEAS Business Platform offers students and master students from Romanian Universities the chance to materialize their ideas in innovation projects for areas such as automation, electrical equipment, software and hardware for target and interconnected industries, internet of things.
Students: Stoenescu Marius, Păunescu Valentin, Bidică Claudiu, Duca Octavian, Cărămidă Mihai

Participation in the International Electric & Automation Show (IEAS) 2017

Period: 19-22 September 2017 / București, Palatul Parlamentului

The participation consisted in the exposition of works designed and developed by the students. The International Electric & Automation Show support research and innovation projects under the aegis of prestigious institutions in the academic and governmental areas and matchmaking opportunities through the participation of the key actors from the automation and energy industries and the connected environments.
Students: Rădulescu Nicolae, Bucurică Alin, Gurgu Valentin, Duca Octavian, Iancu Mihai

Participation in the RomControla 2016

Period: 12-15 October 2016 / București, RomExpo

The participation consisted in the exposition of works designed and developed by the students.
Students: Bidică Claudiu, Cărămidă Mihai, Stoian Albert, Nedelcu Dragoș, Iancu Mihai, Popa Eduard

Participation in the European Researchers' Night 2016

Period: 30 September 2016 / București, Piața Universității

The participation consisted in the exposition of works designed and developed by the students.
Students: Radu Ion, Dragomir Alin

Participation in the European Researchers' Night 2015

Period: 25 September 2015 / București, Piața Universității

The participation consisted in the exposition of works designed and developed by the students.
Students: Rădulescu Nicolae, Bucurică Alin, Gurgu Valentin

National olympiad of mechatronics FESTO 2012

Period: 8-11 May 2012 / Cluj-Napoca, Universitatea Tenică din Cluj-Napoca

The contest: Mechatronic Systems || Place IV
Students: Bobeica Valentin Lucian, Matache Andrei Alin, Brezeanu Daniel

The contest: Mobile Robots || Second place
Students: Budascu Valeriu Vasile, Iurea Traian Lucian, Manea Valentin Daniel

National olympiad of mechatronics FESTO 2011

Period: 11-13 May 2011 / Timișoara, Politehnica din Timișoara

The contest: Mechatronic Systems || Place IV
Students: Radu Andrei, Tăbîrcă Andreea, Mihai Petre Cătălin

The contest: Mechatronics Achievements || Special prize
Students: Constantin Mihai, Șerban Melania, Leotescu Florin

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