Research Projects

CIDSACTEH - Team member

Intelligent and distributed control of 3 complex autonomous systems integrated into emerging technologies for medical-social personal assistance and servicing of precision flexible manufacturing lines (CIDSACTEH)
▪ 2018 - 2021, 43 months
▪ PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0290, Nr. contract: 78PCCDI/2018

RoBoCell - Project manager

Mobile microrobotic system for single-cell manipulation and sorting / Sistem microrobotic mobil pentru manipularea/sortarea de organisme unicelulare (RoBoCell)
▪ 2017 - 2018, 18 months
▪ PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1675, Nr. contract 132PED/2017, Valoare contract: 600.000 lei

SICEPV - Project manager

Integrated system for characterization and performance evaluation of photovoltaic systems / Sistem integrat pentru caracterizarea și evaluarea performantelor sistemelor fotovoltaice (SICEPV)
▪ 2016 - 2018, 24 months
▪ PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0075, Nr. contract 62BG/2016, Valoare contract: 460.000 lei

MicRObot - Project manager

IDeveloping an innovative mobile microrobotic and participation in international challege (MicRObot)
▪ 2016, 6 months
▪ Ct. Nr.: 2/22.03.2016, Funding contract – grant from budget of Targoviste

ProRobSis - Team member

Prototypes of autonomous robotic systems for medical/social assistance and servicing of manufacturing processes in metallurgy, ceramics, glass and automotive / Prototipuri de sisteme robotice autonome destinate asistenței medico-sociale şi deservirii unor procese de fabricaţie din metalurgie, ceramică, sticlă si industria de automobile (ProRobSis)
▪ 2014 - 2017, 30 months
▪ PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-0686

MicRoMag - Project manager

A New On-Chip Magnetically-Actuated Mobile Microrobotic Agent and Embedded Control System / Sistem inovant microrobotic mobil cu control magnetic îmbarcat (MicRoMag)
▪ 2013 - 2015, 30 months
▪ PN-II-RU-PD-2012-3-0591, Nr. contract 83/30.04.2013, Valoare contract : 299.981 lei

InDeSEn - Project manager

Intelligent decision support system for the low voltage grid with distributed power generation from renewable energy resources / Sistem inteligent de asistare a deciziilor aplicat în reţelele electrice de joasă tensiune cu producere distribuită din surse de energie regenerabilă (InDeSEn)
▪ 2012 - 2016, 56 months
▪ PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-1616, Nr. contract 42/2012, Valoare contract: 4.000.000 lei

ADMAN - Team member

Advanced devices for micro and nanoscale manipulation and characterization (ADMAN)
▪ 2011 - 2014, 24 months
▪ PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0299

PROMES - Team member

Contributia Romaniei la tintele europene privind dezvoltarea surselor regenerabile de energie (PROMES)
▪ 2007 - 2010, 36 months
▪ PNCDI II Parteneriate, nr. 21-015/2007

CoFoTerm - Team member

The photovoltaic modules and thermals collectors duality in building integration and for the assurance of electrical energy utility and air-conditioning / Complementaritatea surselor fotovoltaice şi a captatoarelor termice în arhitectura clădirilor şi asigurarea utilităţii de energie electrică şi climatizare (COFOTERM)
▪ 2005 - 2007, 36 months
▪ CEEX nr. 605/2005

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