
2020 - Habilitation degree

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti (Romania)

▪ Thesis Title: “Integration of Industry 4.0 concepts in processes control”

▪ In the field of Systems Engineering

2005-2009 - Doctorate’s degree (in the field of Automatics)

Polytechnic University of Bucharest (Romania)

▪ Thesis Title: “Contribution to low voltage electrical networks with distributed renewable energy generation control (PD- RES) using fuzzy controllers”

▪ Prof. Coord.: Sergiu Stelian ILIESCU

2003-2004 - Master’s degree equivalent

Valahia University of Târgovişte (Romania), Faculty of Electrical Engineering

▪ Modern systems for process control and for information processing and transmission

1997-2002 - Engineering degree

Valahia University of Târgovişte (Romania), Faculty of Electrical Engineering

▪ Automation and Industrial Informatics

1993-1997 - High School Diploma

”Voievodul Mircea” High School, Târgovişte

▪ Informatics

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