

  1. Iliescu S.St., Dragomir O. - editori, Iliescu S.St., Dragomir O., Fagarașan I, Dragomir F., Ștefan V., Arghira N., Stamatescu I., Stamatescu G., Tudor V., Calofir V., Hossu D., Costianu D. - autori, Tehnici de inteligență artificială folosite în managementul energiei electrice, Editura Printech, ISBN: 978-606-23-0506-2, 2015
  2. Dragomir F., Sisteme cu microprocesoare, Suport de curs, Valahia University Press, Târgoviște, ISBN 978-606-603-135-6, 2015
  3. Dragomir F., Iliescu S.St. - coordonatori, Dragomir F., Dragomir O., Fagarașan I, Arghira N., Stamatescu G., Olariu N., Stamatescu I., Iliescu S.St. - autori, Modelarea si simularea retelelor de joasa tensiune cu producere distribuita din surse regenerabile de energie, Editura MatrixRom, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-606-25-0019-1, 2013
  4. Dragomir F., Dragomir O., Programarea în limbaj de asamblare a microcontrolerelor, Editura MatrixRom, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-973-755-899-2, 2013
  5. Dragomir F., Conducerea inteligentă a rețelelor electrice de joasă tensiune cu producere distribuită, Bibliotheca, Târgoviște, ISBN: 978- 973- 712- 578- 1, 2010
  6. Minca E., Dumitrache C., Brezeanu I., Stefan V., Dragomir F., Dragomir O., Conducerea inteligenta a sistemelor automate. Aplicatii, Editura MatrixRom, vol. II, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-973-755-566-3, 2010
  7. Minca E., Dumitrache C., Brezeanu I., Stefan V., Dragomir F., Dragomir O., Conducerea inteligenta a sistemelor automate. Fundamente teoretice, Editura MatrixRom, vol. I, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-973-755-565-6, 2010
  8. Dragomir O., Dragomir F., Minca E., Dumitrache C., Teoria sistemelor automate. Fundamente teoretice si aplicatii Matlab, Editura MatrixRom, Bucuresti, ISBN: 978- 973- 755- 646- 2, 2010
  9. Soare C., Iliescu S.St., Tudor V., Fagarasanu I., Dragomir O., Dragomir F., Proiectarea asistata de calculator in Matlab si Simulink. Conducerea avansata a proceselor, Editura Agir, Bucuresti, ISBN 973-720-092-6978-973-720-092-1, 2006



  1. Duca O., Bidică C., Mincă E., Gurgu V., Păun M., Dragomir F. - Optimization of Production Planning for a Flexible Assembly Technology on a Mechatronics Line, Studies in Informatics and Control, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 53-66, 2021, ISSN: 1220-1766 eISSN: 1841-429X, link


  1. Dragomir F., Caramida M.S., Dragomir O.E., Minca E. - Towards neural control of the mobile robots, Journal of Science and Arts, Vol. 19, Issue 2, pp. 529-540, ISSN: 1844-9581, Accession Number: WOS:000473615300025, link
  2. Dragomir F., Mincă E., Dragomir O.E., Filipescu A. - Modelling and Control of Mechatronics Lines Served by Complex Autonomous Systems, Sensors, Vol. 19, Issue 15, Article Number 3266, ISSN: 1424-8220, DOI: 10.3390/s19153266, Accession Number: WOS:000483198900021, Impact Factor: 3.302, link
  3. Duca O., Gurgu V., Minca E., Filipescu A., Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E. - Optimal control of the complete assembly/disassembly cycle for a mechatronics line prototype, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing – ICSTCC 2019, Page(s):620-625, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/ICSTCC.2019.8885824, ISSN: 2372-1618, link


  1. Dragomir F., Ivan I.A., Gurgu I.V., Radulescu N.G., Bucurica I.A., Dulama I.D. - Comsol simulation of electromagnetic field required for a microrobot actuation, Journal of Science and Arts, 2(43), pp. 523-529, 2018, Accession Number: WOS:000436646200024, ISSN: 1844-9581 link
  2. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F. - A Multi-Agent System for Energy Management in an Intelligent Microgrid, Proceedings of the 18th SGEM GeoConference on Energy and Clean Technologies, Vol. 18, pp. 67-74, 2018, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2018/4.1/S17.009, ISBN: 978-619-7408-44-7, ISSN: 1314-2704, link
  3. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Olariu N., Oprea A. - Power Quality Analysis of Grid Connected PV Power System, Proceedings of the 18th SGEM GeoConference on Energy and Clean Technologies, 2018, ISBN: 978-619-7408-44-7, ISSN 1314-2704, link,
  4. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E. - Renewable Energy Monitoring Using Arduino - Android Platform, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility CEM2018, 2018,
  5. Lakatoş E.S., Dragomir F., Olteanu L., Oprea A., Măntescu G., Olariu N. - Modelling and simulation of photovoltaic modules using SPICE/Matlab, in Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA), vol. 66, no.1, pp. 09-16, 2018, ISSN: 1582-5175, link
  6. Minca E., Filipescu A., Coanda H.G., Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Filipescu A. - Extended Approach for Modelling and Simulation of Mechatronics Lines Served by Collaborative Mobile Robots, Proceedings of the International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing – ICSTCC 2018, Page(s):335 – 341, 2018, ISSN: 2372-1618, ISBN:978-1-5386-4444-7, DOI: 10.1109/ICSTCC.2018.8540713, Accession Number: WOS:000465109800055, link


  1. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F. - Pattern recognition tool for energy consumption profiles identification, Proceedings of the 17th SGEM GeoConference on Energy and Clean Technologies, Vol. 17, Issue 42, pp. 467-474, 2017, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2017/42/S17.059, ISBN: 978-619-7408-07-2, ISSN: 1314-2704, link
  2. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Oprea A., Olteanu L., Olariu N., Ursu V. - Simulation of lithium-ion batteries from a electric vehicle perspective, The Electric Vehicles International Conference, București, 5-6 October 2017, DOI: 10.1109/EV.2017.8242100, ISBN: 978-1-5386-2382-4, Accession Number: WOS:000427815000014, link
  3. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Olariu N., Oprea A. - Efficiency Optimization of a Standalone PV System Using Dual-MPPT Control, International Journal of Computing, Communications & Instrumentation Engg. (IJCCIE) Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 21-26, 2017, DOI:, ISSN: 2349-1469, EISSN: 2349-1477, link
  4. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F., Olariu N., Oprea A. - Comparative Analysis of PV Output Characteristics Focusing on I-V and P-V Curves, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on “Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology” (RTET-17), April 25-26, Paris, France, 2017
  5. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Ivan M.E., Iliescu S.St., Stănescu I. - Optimal embedded system for two-axis tracking PV panels, Journal of Applied and Physical Sciences, vol. 3(1), pp. 1-6, 2017, DOI: 10.20474/japs-3.1.1, ISBN: 978-969-670-885-8, ISSN: 2414-3103, link


  1. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F.- Decision support system integrating fuzzy logic and expert system for optimization of smart grid functioning, Proceedings of International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT 2016), 6-8 April 2016, ISBN: 978-1-5090-2188-8, WOS:000386533900034, DOI: 10.1109/CoDIT.2016.7593558, link
  2. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F. - Development of user-friendly tool for energy behavioral change of consumers, The Scientific Buletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty, no.1, 2016, ISSN: 2286-2455, DOI: 10.1515/SBEEF-2016-0011, link1, link2
  3. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F. - Monitoring and diagnosis system based on fuzzy- multi agent tools, Proceedings of the 16th SGEM GeoConference on Energy and Clean Technologies, Book Series: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM, Vol. 1, pp. 503-510, Albena, Bulgaria, 2016, WOS:000391348600065, ISBN: 978-619-7105-63-6, ISSN: 1314-2704, link


  1. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F., Stefan V., Minca E. - Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems as a Strategy for Predicting and Controling the Energy Produced from Renewable Sources, Energies, 8(11), pp. 13047-13061, 2015, WOS:000365686800042, IF: 2.436 (2014), ISSN: 1996-1073, link
  2. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F., Stefan V., Minca E. - Adaptive Neuro – Fuzzy Inference Systems – an Alternative Forecasting Tool for Prosumers, Studies in Informatics and Control, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp. 351-360, 2015, WOS:000362241800012, IF: 0.913 (2014), ISSN: 1220-1766, link
  3. Minca E., Coanda H.G, Dragomir F., Dragomir O. Filipescu A. - Cycle time optimization of a reversible A/DML served by a mobile robotic system, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, (ICSTCC), pp. 99 – 104, 14-16 Oct. 2015, Cheile Gradistei - Fundata Resort, Romania, 2015, DOI: 10.1109/ICSTCC.2015.7321276, link
  4. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F., Minca E. - Fuzzy- multi agent hybrid system for decision support of consumers of energy from renewable sources, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Mathematical Models and Simulation in Science and Engineering (MMSSE 2015), Vienna, Austria, March 15-17, pp. 343-348, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-61804-287-3, ISSN: 2227-4588, link
  5. Dragomir F., Ivan A.I, Gurgu V., Rădulescu N., Ivan M. – Innovative system dedicated to microrobots manufacturing, Scientific Bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty, Year 15, nr. 2 (25), Pages: 9-13, 201, p-ISSN: 1843-6188, e-ISSN: 2286-24555, link


  1. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E. - Simulation of a low voltage grid with power generation from renewable energy resources, Advanced Materials Research, Volume 918, Chapter 3: Power, Energy and Environment Engineering, pp. 195-199, 2014, link, ISSN: 1022-6680,ISBN: 978-303835075-0, DOI:10.4028/
  2. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E. - Forecasting of photovoltaic power generation by RBF neural networks, Advanced Materials Research, Volume 918, Chapter 3: Power, Energy and Environment Engineering, pp. 200-205, 2014, link, ISSN: 1022-6680,ISBN: 978-303835075-0, DOI:10.4028/
  3. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F., Radulescu M. - Matlab Application of Kohonen Self- Organising Map to Classify Consumers’ Load Profiles, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 31, Pages 474–479, 2014, link, WOS:000360713800054, ISSN: 1877-0509, DOI:10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.292
  4. Dragomir O., Dragomir F. - NN based Support System for Renewable Energy Forecasting and Integration, Proceedings of the International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR 2014), Page(s): 1 – 6, 22-24 May 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, link, WOS:000346131600074, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3732-5, ISSN: 1844-7872, DOI: 10.1109/AQTR.2014.6857913
  5. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F. - Developing a Matlab tool for PV systems energy production forecasting using ANFIS, Proceedings of the 14th SGEM GeoConference on Energy and Clean Technologies, Vol. 1, pp. 141-148, 2014, link, WOS:000371089600019, ISBN: 978-619-7105-15-5, ISSN: 1314-2704, DOI : 10.5593/SGEM2014/B41/S17.019
  6. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Arghira N., Calofir V. - Evaluation of PV systems degradation performances, Proceedings of the 14th SGEM GeoConference on Energy and Clean Technologies, Vol. 1, pp. 221-228, 2014, link, WOS:000371089600029, ISBN: 978-619-7105-15-5, ISSN: 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2014/B41/S17.029
  7. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Iliescu S.St., Brezeanu I., Stănescu I. - Assessment of photovoltaic panels heath using a LabView object oriented application, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Control Engineering and Automation (ICCEA2014), pp. 711-716, 2014, link, WOS:000351733900113, ISBN: 978-1-60595-210-9, ISSN: 1844-7872
  8. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Iliescu S.St., Stefan V. - Improvement of the Load Process of Pb Batteries Connected to a Photovoltaic System, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volumes 734, Pages: 787-790, 2014, link, ISSN: 1662-7482, DOI: 10.4028/
  9. Dragomir F., Ivan M., Ivan A. – Framework for mobile microrobots control, Journal Applied Engineering Sciences, Vol. 1, Page(s): 3-8, CRC Press, 2015, link, ISBN: 978-1-138-02649-0 (Hardback), ISBN: 978-1-315-76224-1 (eBook PDF)
  10. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E. - Microrobotics: Present, Challenges, Perspectives, The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (RoBio2014), pp. 1904 – 1909, 2014, Bali, Indonesia, link, WOS:000380399500317, ISBN: 978-1-4799-7397-2, DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2014.7090614
  11. Stanescu I.A., Stefan A., Stefan D., Dragomir F., Olariu N., Dragomir O.E. - Intelligent decision support for Renewable Energy Providers, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT2014), Page(s): 488 – 492, 2014, link, WOS:000358866300085, ISBN: 978-147996773-5, DOI: 10.1109/CoDIT.2014.6996942


  1. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F. - Integrated solutions based on neural networks for optimizing energy management in a microgrid, The 4th International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 11 - 13 October 2013, Galati, Romania, link, WOS:000335153400042, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2442-4, DOI: 10.1109/ISEEE.2013.6674348
  2. Oprea A., Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Olariu N., Olteanu L. - Monitoring of Electrical Parameters into Island Grid Integrating Renewable Energy Sources, The 3rd International Conference on Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering, Book Series: Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volumes 368 - 370, Pages: 346-349, 2013, link, WOS:000339411600069, ISBN:978-3-03785-792-2, ISSN: 1660-9336, DOI: 10.4028/
  3. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F., Stefan V. - Guideline to choose a forecasting tool with fuzzy logic support, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2013), Book Series: IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Melbourne, Australia, 19 – 21 Iunie 2013, Page(s): 595 – 600, link, WOS:000326679200109, ISBN: 978-1-4673-6322-8, ISBN: 978-1-4673-6320-4, DOI: 10.1109/ICIEA.2013.6566438
  4. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Oprea A. - Stand-Alone Power System for Monitoring and Control of the Temperature, Advances in Energy Science and Technology, PTS 1-4, Book Series: Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume: 291-294 Pages: 2570-2573, 2013, link, WOS:000320478401193, ISBN: 978-3-03785-634-5, ISSN: 1660-9336, DOI: 10.4028/
  5. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Olariu N., Oprea A. – Dedicated software application for modeling and simulation of photovoltaic systems, Scientific Bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty, Year 13, nr. 3 (23), Pages: 5-9, 2013, link, ISSN: 1843-6188
  6. Dragomir F., Ivan M., Ivan A. – Mobile microrobotics principles and manufacturing technologies, Scientific Bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty, Year 13, nr. 3 (23), Pages: 10-14, 2013, link, ISSN: 1843-6188
  7. Oprea A., Dragomir F. – Positioning a PV panel on a rotary axis after maximum light, Scientific Bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty, Year 13, nr. 1 (21), Pages: 14-18, 2013, link, ISSN: 1843-6188
  8. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Olariu N., Oprea A. – Solution based on artificial intelligence in Smart Grid, Proceedings of the 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2013), 30 Sep - 04 Oct 2013, Pages: 3888-3891, Paris, France, link, ISSN: 2196-0992, ISBN: 3-936338-33-7, DOI: 10.4229/28thEUPVSEC2013-5BV.4.19


  1. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E. - Improvement of energy consume from hybrid systems integrating renewable energy sources, Renewable and Sustainable Energy II, PTS 1-4, Book Series: Advanced Materials Research, Volume: 512-515, Pages: 1147-1150, 2012, link, WOS:000312119900223, ISSN: 1022-6680, ISBN: 978-303785414-3, DOI: 10.4028/
  2. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Minca E. - Adaptive control access of stand-alone power systems, The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering, Book Series: Energy Procedia, Volume: 14, Pages: 552-557, 2012, link, WOS:000305958700087, ISSN: 1876-6102, DOI:
  3. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E. - Distributed Power Generation from Renewable Energy Resources, Proceedings of UKSim-AMSS 6th European Modelling Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation (EMS2012), 14 – 16 November 2012, Valletta, Malta, Page(s): 299 - 304, 2012, link, ISBN: 978-076954926-2, DOI : 10.1109/EMS.2012.51


  1. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Oprea A., Minca E. – Framework of 3d display leds using of microcontroller and renewable energy sources, Scientific Bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty, Year 11 , nr. (1) (15), pp.: 55-58, 2011, link, ISSN: 1843-6188
  2. Dragomir O., Dragomir F., Minca E. - Forcasting of renewable energy load with radial basis function (RBF) neural networks, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, (ICINCO 2011), Volume 2, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 28 - 31 July, 2011, SciTePress 2011, pages:409-412, link, ISBN: 978-989-8425-75-1
  3. Dragomir O., Dragomir F., Brezeanu I., Minca E. - MLP neural network as load forecasting tool on short-term horizon, Proceedings of the 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED2011), pp. 1265 – 1270, 20-23 June 2011, Corfu, Grecia, link, ISBN: 978-145770125-2, DOI: 10.1109/MED.2011.5982974
  4. Minca E., Dragomir F., Dragomir O., Enache A. - Temporal Recurrent Modelling Appllied to Manufacturing Flexible Lines Served by Collaborative Robots, Proceedings of the 8th Asian Control Conference (ASCC2011), pp. 749-754, May 15-18, 2011, Kaohsiung , Taiwan, link, E-ISBN: 978-89-956056-4-6, Print ISBN: 978-1-61284-487-9
  5. Minca E., Dragomir O., Dragomir F., Enache M.A., Radaskin A. - Assembly-Disassembly Flexible Lines and Collaborative Robots Considered as Hierarchical Systems in Temporal Recurrent Modelling, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control & Automation (WCICA2011), pg. 69 - 74, June 21-25, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, link, ISBN: 978-161284700-9, DOI: 10.1109/WCICA.2011.5970637


  1. Dragomir F., Patic P.C., Dragomir O.E. - Intelligent Robot with Microcontroller for Avoiding Obstacles, The 5th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Systems, Book Series: Solid State Phenomena, Volume: 166-167, Pages: 179-184, 2010, link, WOS:000289532000028, ISSN: 1012-0394, ISBN: 978-390845188-4, DOI: 10.4028/
  2. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F., Gouriveau R., Minca E. - Medium term load forecasting using ANFIS predictor, The 18th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Book Series: Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, Pages: 551-556, 2010, link, WOS:000324864700088, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8092-0, ISSN: 2325-369X, DOI: 10.1109/MED.2010.5547727
  3. Minca E., Dragomir O., Dragomir F. - Producer-Consumer Distributed Energy Production Systems modeling with a new Approach of Recurrent Synchronized Fuzzy Petri Nets, The 8th IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Jinan, China, pg. 1668-1673, 2010, link, WOS:000295959501142, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6712-9, DOI: 10.1109/WCICA.2010.5554783
  4. Dragomir F., Dragomir O., Minca E. - A Fuzzy Approach to Intelligent Control of Low Voltage Electrical Networks with Distributed Power from Renewable Resources, Proceedings of the IEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition (EnergyCon’10), pg: 606 – 611, 18-22 December 2010, Manama, Bahrain, link, ISBN: 978-142449380-7, DOI: 10.1109/ENERGYCON.2010.5771753
  5. Dragomir O.E., Dragomir F., Gouriveau R., Minca E. - Forecasting of Renewable Energy Balance on Medium Term, Proceedings of the 12th IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications, (LSS2010), Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, Volume 9 | Part 1, Page: 495-500, 2010, link, ISBN: 978-3-902661-91-3, ISSN: 1474-6670, DOI: 10.3182/20100712-3-FR-2020.00081
  6. Minca E., Dragomir O., Brezeanu I., Dragomir F. - Improvement of recurrent fuzzy detection/diagnosis functions modeling. A temporal modeling application for fault states in a manufacturing system, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA'10), pg. 1456-1461, 9-11 June 2010, Xiamen, China, link, ISSN : 1948-3449, E-ISBN : 978-1-4244-5196-8, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-5195-1, DOI: 10.1109/ICCA.2010.5524311
  7. Minca E., Dragomir O., Dragomir F., Stefan V. - Application for manufacturing systems served by collaborative robots monitoring, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (ICAL2010), pg: 138 – 143, Hong Kong/Macau, China, 2010, link, E-ISBN: 978-1-4244-8374-7, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-8375-4, DOI: 10.1109/ICAL.2010.5585397
  8. Minca E., Dragomir O., Dragomir F., - Improvement of temporal modeling concerning recurrent detection/diagnosis functions, Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference (CCC2010), pg: 3804 – 3809, 29-31 July 2010, Beijing, China, link, ISBN: 978-789463104-6
  9. Dragomir F., Dragomir O.E., Olariu N., Minca E. - Control Solution Based on Fuzzy Logic for Low Voltage Electrical Networks with Distributed Power from Renewable Resources, Proceedings of the 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (25th EU PVSEC) and 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC-5), pg: 4988 - 4991, 06–10 September 2010, Valencia, Spain, link, ISBN: 3-936338-26-4, DOI: 10.4229/25thEUPVSEC2010-5BV.4.14


  1. Dragomir O., Dragomir F., Minca E. - An application oriented guideline for choosing a prognostic tool, Intelligent systems and automation, Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1107, pp. 257-262, 2009, link, WOS:000265071000042, ISBN: 978-0-7354-0642-1, ISSN: 0094-243X
  2. Mincă E., Dragomir O., Dragomir F., Istudor I. - Advanced Methods for Modeling of Monitoring Functions in Hierarchical Systems, Proceedings of the 17th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'09), pp. 1114-1119, 24-26 Jun. 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece, link, WOS:000280699600191, E-ISBN: 978-1-4244-4685-8, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-4684-1, DOI: 10.1109/MED.2009.5164695
  3. Minca E., Racoceanu D., Dragomir O., Stefan V., Dragomir F., - Predictive modelling of the monitoring function. A predictive modelling application for fault states in a manufacturing system, The 7th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, Book Series: IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation ICCA, Vols. 1-3, pp. 1487-1492, 2009, link, WOS:000280542300258, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4706-0
  4. Dragomir O., Gouriveau R., Dragomir F., Minca E., Zerhouni N. - Review of prognostic problem in condition-based maintenance, European Control Conference, (ECC’09), 23-26 August 2009, pg. 1587-1592, Budapest, Hungary, 2009, link, ISBN 978-963-311-0
  5. Mincă E., Filip F.G., Zemouri R., Dragomir F., Dragomir O. - Advanced Methods in Hierarchical Discrete Systems Modeling, 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM’09), Volume 13 | Part 1, pg. 1667-1672, 3-5 June, 2009, Moscow, Rusia, 2009, link, ISSN: 14746670, ISBN: 978-390266143-2, DOI: 10.3182/20090603-3-RU-2001.00277
  6. Dragomir F., Iliescu S.St., Dragomir O., Minca E., - PV grid connected system with fuzzy intelligent control, Journal of Computer Science and Control Systems, Vol. 2, Nr. 1, pg. 97-101, 2009, link, ISSN: 1844-6043
  7. Dragomir F., Iliescu S.St. – Fuzzy intelligent control for the low voltage electrical networks with distributed power generation from renewable energy resources, Scientific Bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty, Vol. 10, nr. 1 (10), (2009), pages: 59-63, 2009, link, ISSN: 1843-6188
  8. Dragomir F., Iliescu, S.St., Olariu N., Dragomir, O. – Framework for design of fuzzy logic controllers, Scientific Bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty, Vol. 10, nr. 1 (10), 2009, pages: 65-70, link, ISSN: 1843-6188
  9. Dragomir F., Dragomir O., Minca E. - Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Energy Balance Forecasting, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Technical Series, Vol. LXI, No. 3/2009, pp. 301-306, link, ISSN: 1224-8495
  10. Dragomir F., Olariu N., Iliescu S.St. - Experimental Study for Intelligent Stability Control of Low Voltage Electrical Networks with PD-RES using Fuzzy Controllers, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Technical Series, Vol. LXI, No. 3/2009, pp. 307-313, link, ISSN: 1224-8495
  11. Minca E., Dragomir O., Dragomir F., Stefan V. - Optimal Fuzzy Analysis of Manufacturing Systems, (2009), Petroleum Gas University of Ploesti Bulletin, sup issues: proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Process Control, (SPC’09), vol. LXI, no. 3/2009, pp. 153- 160, Ploiesti, Romania, link, ISSN: 1224-8495


  1. Dragomir F., Dragomir O., Minca E., - A fuzzy logic control approach of a motor drive with PIC microcontroller, Scientific Bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty, Vol. 9, nr. 2 (9), pages: 61-68, 2008, link, ISSN: 1843-6188


  1. Minca E., Racoceanu D., Dragomir F., Zerhouni N. - A fuzzy approach for discrete event systems recovery, Preprints of the 4th International Conference on Management and control of Production and Logistics (MCPL 2007), Volume 4 | Part 1, pp. 585-590, Sept 2007, Sibiu, Romania, link, ISBN 978-973-739-481-1, DOI: 10.3182/20070927-4-RO-3905.00097
  2. Dragomir O., Gouriveau R., Zerhouni N., Dragomir F. - Framework for a distributed and hybrid prognostic system, Preprints of the 4th IFAC Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics (MCPL 2007), Volume 4 | Part 1, pp: 431-436, Sept 2007, Sibiu, Romania, link, ISBN: 978-973-739-481-1, DOI: 10.3182/20070927-4-RO-3905.00072
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